Website & Branding Update - National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

The National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (NNPQC) is a project at NICHQ. My team and I supported the project through a new external website build, liaising with an outside firm for web development. I led the brand refresh, which focused on 508-compliant colors and modernized fonts as we were not able to amend the iconography co-developed with CDC. I led photo selection, facilitated many processes with the NNPQC team on behalf of the web dev vendor, and created supplemental tools like a brand guide and updated slide deck options.

The NNPQC website project began in January 2023 and was launched in September 2023, on time and on budget. The website was also offered our first iteration of a new community platform, white-labeled as the PQC Portal.

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Jey Weisgerber (they/them)
Marketing Value-Added Creative Chicopee, MA