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Folder design for General campaign. We put our brochure, information sheets, and other resources in the folder, then combined it with campaign materials in a soft-sided cloth bag with project branding on it.
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Campaign information sheet to accompany materials - Oil campaign
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Folder design for Oil campaign. We put our brochure, information sheets, and other resources in the folder, then combined it with campaign materials in a soft-sided cloth bag with project branding on it.
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Statewide Awareness Campaign - Where Do You Stand? (Summer 2013)

This campaign is a customized version of Men Can Stop Rape's licensed campaign, Where Do You Stand?

Our version has two parts: one for the energy industry and surrounding communities in western North Dakota, and one for a more general audience and college students.

We did custom photography and also changed some of the scenarios to address issues important in our state.

I was responsible for scouting our photographer, creative direction, and coordination of all the products, which included everything from posters and postcards to yard signs to coasters. We also created campaign toolkits with material samples and tons of information related to the campaign and bigger project.

Full-time, Moonlighting
Jey Weisgerber (they/them)
Marketing Value-Added Creative Chicopee, MA