Freelance Graphic Artist
Self Employed
Jan 2009 - Nov 2015 (6 years 10 months)
Working as a freelance graphic artist, I designed and developed many different marketing strategies, websites, and print materials for people and businesses throughout the country. Without a design team or superior, I learned how to take on more responsibility in the business end of the industry which included placing bids, planning and managing a broad range of projects, clients and personalities. This experience improved my customer relations skills and taught me the importance of being skilled in project management.
Multimedia Specialist
Sioux Falls, SD
Nov 2006 - Aug 2007 (9 months)
As a member of the marketing communications team, I was responsible for the electronic marketing of several life insurance products as well as the design of internal and external web materials. With input from internal sales directors, sales support, and other team members, I successfully implemented the use of flash animation into my design work and multimedia presentations. My superiors informed me that I had elevated the e-marketing campaign and received compliments from many coworkers including the president of the company.
Graphic Artist
Washburn, ND
Jun 2005 - Apr 2007 (1 year 10 months)
My primary responsibility at Martech Media was graphic support for the E-Learning production group. To support the production team, I was responsible for creating graphics to enhance the end users learning experience. These graphic types developed included 2-D and 3-D illustrations, Flash animations, and photo editing. That experience required me to visualize and create graphics that would fit our team needs from written or verbal descriptions, and hand sketches. I was also responsible for the design and construction of the company website as well as a website for the town of Washburn, ND.