Pixar - Dory Bubble Science

The new Finding Dory Bubble Science kit allows kids ages 4 and up to perform their own lab experiments with bubbles while learning about surface tension, elasticity, soap molecules, diffusion, and more.


Project Manager


-Plastic Design

-Product Sculpt

-Communication with Disney and Pixar

-Component Sourcing

-Play Testing

-Activity Research


-This product carried a big responsibility. This might be the first exposure to science that the child may have and it should be a fun and engaging one. I did hours of user testing and researching to find age appropriate activities and experiments.

-Creating original components even if they are as straightforward as bubble wands and a bubble tray can be a design challenge when submitting to the likes of Pixar. When sculpting the wands and tray I made sure every millimeter was accounted for and printed each component to make sure the look was correct, but the components functioned properly as well.

Jerome Healy
Industrial Designer seattle, WA