Savannah, GA
Oct 2011 - May 2015 (3 years 7 months)
Being a docent at the SCAD Museum of Art allowed me to polish my public speaking skills, while playing an integral part in community outreach. I have given hundreds of K-12 tours, and have participated in multiple outreach programs to further art and museum education in K-12 schools in and around Savannah, GA.
Experience Designer Internship
New Haven, CT
Jun 2014 - Aug 2014 (2 months)
During my internship with Digital Surgeons, I had the opportunity to not only design, but facilitate ideation and co-creation sessions. I also was charged with redesigning intern and client leave-behinds, teaching me how to properly manage and motivate designers and developers.
911 Operator
New Bern, NC
Apr 2006 - Jul 2010 (4 years 3 months)
As a 911 Dispatcher, I was trained to handle all situations in a calm and collected manner; while often times multitasking to solve numerous problems simultaneously. I was responsible for receiving emergency 911 calls and dispatching out Police, Fire, or EMS. This job helped increase my communication skills, as well as how well I handle situations under pressure.
Forward Observer/Joint Fires Observer
Baghdad, Iraq
Oct 2003 - Jun 2010 (6 years 8 months)
As a Soldier in the United States Army, I became disciplined and punctual. My job was to call in air strikes (close air support) upon enemy positions. My experience in the US Army, including two tours in Iraq, taught me how to improvise and adapt to make the best out of any situation. It also taught me strong leadership skills, and provided me the time and experience to develop them.