Fabricator and Welder
Motor City Solutions
Taylor, MI
Feb 2015 - Present (10 years 1 month)
Find novel solutions to projects with a practical yet innovative approach within the bounds of the project oriented time constraints.
* Custom fabrication, sheet metal work, MIG & TIG welding, lathe work, mill work, 100 ton hydraulic press brake operation, wood working, proper prep procedures, light body work.
* Making small parts and brackets for vehicles, modifying original vehicles for custom fit non-OEM parts, inter-company building projects including structural work and office cubicle fabrication, project management, ideation, dimensional drawings.
Audio Visual Technician
Plymouth, MI
Apr 2014 - Feb 2015 (10 months)
Set up, run, and tear down of various events: from meetings to weddings to award dinners
* Audio: mics, speakers, mixer boards, polycom systems
* Visual: computer integration, projection, powerpoints
Operations Crew Manager
Chicago Event Management
Chicago, IL
Sep 2008 - Mar 2014 (5 years 6 months)
Event staff for World Marathon Majors: Bank of America Chicago Marathon with over 45,000 runners.
Event staff for Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8k with over 40,000 runners.
* Construction, distribution, crowd control, site-prep & tear-down.
* Oversight of teams and logistics, forklift driving, 24-foot box truck driving.
The Henry Ford
Dearborn, MI
Nov 2012 - Mar 2014 (1 year 4 months)
Run, maintain, and repair all machinery that is still operating of historical significance.
1913 Carousel, 1859 Corliss steam engine, 1891 Triple-expansion dynamo, various steam locomotives
* Lathe work, mill work, horizontal mill work, machine restoration
* Forklift certified, scissor lift certified, telehandler certified
Operations Crew
RAM Racing Events
Chicago, IL
Sep 2013 - Feb 2014 (5 months)
Event staff for Hot Chocolate 5k/15k events at various sites across the US. * Construction, distribution, crowd control, site prep, organization & tear-down. * Operations and logistics coordination: runner supplies/refreshments, timing clocks, start line ops, finish line ops.
Float & Prop Artist
The Parade Company
Detroit, MI
Oct 2009 - Nov 2013 (4 years 1 month)
Construction of various floats and props: from single section break-apart traveling floats to 12-part train floats
* Integration at various stages of float and prop creation: from interpretation of drawings and layout, to fabrication and roll out
* Chassis construction, prop fabrication, steel wire sculpting, wood and prop integration, paint and clear coat
* Hand painting, HVLP spray painting, air brushing, color matching, paint prep.
* Styrofoam sculpting, wood working, steel work and MIG welding