reduced fat
2002 - Present (23 years)
- Founded reduced fat, a full-service digital branding company.
- Responsible for Concepting, architecture, navigation, design and programming for all projects listed on portfolio.
INTERACTIVATOR (Interactive Art Director)
Smith & Jones
Dec 2000 - Jul 2002 (1 year 7 months)
- Responsible for creation, development and execution of on-line multimedia concepts
- Effectively lead the process of taking an in-house branding campaign and making it interactive
- Collaborated with copywriter to develop the “big idea” for various print campaigns
- Supervised outside vendors (web providers, photographers, service bureaus) to ensure consistency of quality and precision with agency produced work
- Directed production department with color correction and creation of artwork
Virtual Flow
Jun 1999 - Dec 2000 (1 year 6 months)
- Helped build Virtual Flow from infancy to a strong presence in the industry through strategic
planning and building of portfolio
- Developed creative solutions for html and flash based web sites
- Translated client information into visual concepts
- Directed client contact on all projects