Social Media Specialist / Copywriter / Promoter
Riga, Latvia
Jan 2012 - Present (12 years 10 months)
- Organizing and co-producing cool alternative electronic music parties at Aristīds (www.facebook.com/aristidsbar), Autentika-B2 (www.facebook.com/autentika.b2) and other locations;
- Promotion strategy development, copywriting, promo material design and real-time management (Facebook Ads, Twitter); few examples: http://bit.ly/ WORKOUT012, http://bit.ly/ELEKTRODESA, http:// bit.ly/workout003, http://ej.uz/xbass;
- Social media campaign management for the documentary Liberation Day (www.liberationday.film): planning, copywriting, ad campaign management (Google Ads, Facebook Ads);
- Development of social strategies and consulting on the use of social platforms according to long-term brand positioning;
- Developing concepts and copies (LV & EN) for socially integrated web sites for companies like Dynamic University (www.dynamicuniversity.eu), CBB Consulting (www.cbb.lv), UTHAhats (www.etsy.com/ shop/UTHAhats) and making sure those match the companies’ long-term vision;
- Creating poster designs that stand out and social promo campaigns for various underground music events;
- Designing presentations on various communication, finances related topics.