Hi! I'm James Lin, an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley studying computer science. I came across CS during the latter half of high school, and was pretty quickly drawn in by the sheer amount of applications and possibilities that it holds for so many fields. Since then, I've been working hard so I can soon call myself a professional programmer.
On my portfolio you can see some of the projects I've done while learning about programming. All of them were done solo and were written in Java, my first language. I'm also good with Python, and familiar with other languages like Javascript, SQL, and Scheme.. I've also done algorithmic programming through sites like USACO (silver) and Codeforces.
There are some projects that I haven't put onto this page for various reasons. They include:
A word game that runs in console called Shiritori.
A classroom seat re-arranger that takes into account student preferences.
A typing game similar to typeracer.com that tracks statistics and which keys you miss the most.
A visual choose-your-own-adventure game that I did with a group of four others.
If nothing else, I'm a fast learner and passionate about my work. If you're interested in what I have to offer, have an idea on what project I should attempt next, or just want to chat, shoot me an email at james97lin@gmail.com.
Thank you!