Draw out the walls of your maze, then switch over to start/end mode and set your beginning and end points.
Press solve, and Maze Creator will search out the shortest path between the two points. Red indicates the path, while blue indicates spaces that the computer searched through while looking for the solution.
You don't need to stick with straight lines and standard mazes. Regardless of what you draw, Maze Creator will find distances between those two green points.
Here you can see the tool buttons along the bottom, as well as the slider that you can use to control how fast Maze Creator finds the solution for you.
Maze Creator

Draw out, in MS Paint style, any kind of terrain you wish. Set your beginning and end points, and hit solve. Maze Creator will find the shortest possible path between those two points for you.

This project was done exclusively in Java. It features both click and click/drag for placing blocks and a slider for controlling path-finding speed. Maze Creator uses the A* search algorithm to find the shortest path.

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James Lin
Student at UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA