
Collaboration project with Samuel Young and Ghigos Ideas.

Ghigos Ideas Internship: Ghigos Ideas Internship:

“A chair to represent James the greater. The pilgrimage as a journey, as a path that leads to a destination chased for long or just aspirated, is a process of inner development. It’s a spiritual or cultural research trip, an aspiration towards how it is different. That’s why it is a cedar staircase that metaphorically tends to infinity, fading gradually not only in the tapered shape, but also in the chromatic appearance: the wooden beams fading to white, as loosing consistency and forecasting the passage to an unknown world. It’s a chair, a ladder or maybe a library: symbolically retracing the Way of St.James. The chair allows everyday metaphorical climbing, getting closer to the sky. And he had a dream; and in his dream he saw steps stretching from earth to heaven; and the angels of God were going up and down on them.
Genesi (28, 12)” Ghigos Ideas.

Hannah Bishop
@hannahbishxx (Twitter / Instagram) London, United Kingdom