Waffle-cone Stiletto - The student has made a beautiful play on the angle of the shoe and the sumptuous dripping of the ice cream as the cherry slides down from the top. This assignment asked students to work in black pen and ink, but I encouraged the student to later add colour to the work for her portfolio.
Knitted Kitty - I like the play on the cliché here: kittens playing with a ball of yarn. Only this time the kitten and the yarn are one in the same!
Diamond Tooth - This image turned out very effectively as the texture has an interesting relationship with the object. Both have hard, strong properties and reflective white surfaces, but one is commonplace and the other is rare. Both are precious.
Gummy Bunny - this student created the shiny, chewy texture of a gummy bear, but while looking at the silhouette of a rabbit.
Stone Glasses - The texture of a stone wall covering the eyes gives this piece an ironic feeling as the stones negate the function of the glasses.
Wooden Tack - this student used short, hatched lines to try and create the grain lines in smooth polished wood.
Line & Texture Drawing Assignment

Simple, yet effective, this project gets students to carefully contemplate how simple repetition generates visual texture, how gradient builds form and how line distinguishes contours.
The premise is easy: students must choose a simple 3-D object which they will imagine made in a novel texture. It is important to stipulate that students cannot work from a picture in which the texture is already applied, but that the students use their own observations to imply the shadows and highlights of the object in the new texture.

Haiden Jamie
Visual Artist and Certified Art Teacher Toronto, Canada