My name is Hafizuddin Arif Johar. I have always been inspired by nature but it never came to my mind to express it through my design. Only very recently that I have discovered something called 'biomimicry'. My passion for what is termed as 'biomimicry' does not reflect my past work as I have only understood it recently. Some architects, interior designers, scientists and inventors adopted the way natural beings and objects were constructed and made. For example, the Eastgate Centre in Zimbabwe. What is amazing about the building is that it only uses 10% of energy consumption of a similar building its size since it does not have any air-conditioning installed. The building itself was able to regulate its temperature. The architect who made this was Mick Pearce. He was inspired by the African termite house in which its architecture allows natural air conditioning.
Not only I am inspired how people can adopt the biomechanics of nature. I am very much inspired by how we a living in a masterpiece yet most of us do not fully realise or appreciate it. From the outer-space, where a ring of asteroids surround the earth to serve as a barrier for incoming meteorites to the deep details of living creates where cells were constructed ingeniously to form bodies. I do believe firmly that we are living in something that is beyond what we see.
Through my inspiration and passion for nature, I do plan to hopefully design buildings or inventions that are based upon it. The automatic adjustment of the iris to external light, the elastic tongue of a frog, the rotation of the earth to regulate heat from the sun are just less-than-a handful of the vast mechanical designs in nature that have yet to be translated to Man's inventions.
Director's List for Diploma in Retail & Hospitality Design