An art piece from the 1990s called
Santa Clara, referring to Saint Claire, consort of Saint Francis of Assisi. Made from a fallen branch and square profile sticks that were individually planed by hand, so they are flat and square, yet irregular, and set into mortices in the branch edges, which were also planed flat .

Erat Hora is the name of this sculpture. From a poem by Ezra Pound:
“Thank you, whatever comes.” And then she turned/
And, as the ray of sun on hanging flowers/
Fades when the wind hath lifted them aside,/
Went swiftly from me. Nay, whatever comes/
One hour was sunlit and the most high gods/
May not make boast of any better thing/
Than to have watched that hour as it passed.

The sculpture is in two pieces that can be arranged a couple of different ways. Made from scrap wood, I drew some inspiration from the Spanish sculptor Edwardo Chillida.
