Hello! I am Guilherme Matos, 26, graduated in Graphic Design.
I've been working an analytical way for drive the strategy and brand analysis. This kind of thinking is behind the projects.
Also i use techniques for 3D production, photography and illustration which make the presentations and layout ideia more richest and visual.
I really really don't care staying until late if the objective is enhance the job.
I've been working with packaging and POS design for clients such as BRF, General Mills, Nestle, Colgate-Palmolive, Papaiz, Wickbold, Grupo 3 Coração, Kimberly Clark and others. All these type of work I've been made at Team Creatif, Pande and Casa Rex.
I believe that only the talent isn’t enough to a good design work, first i structure the project and defend its strategic concept before I even start to draw, therefore i like to work with all information and share that i may have.
+55(11) 9-9162.8500
Award ABRE gold - DANUP 2015.
Award Grandes Cases - DANUP 2015.
Award ABRE - Moça Docinhos.