Design Strategist
Atlanta, GA
May 2019 - Present (5 years 7 months)
Atlanta, GA
Oct 2013 - Nov 2018 (5 years 1 month)
I created products and designed engaging experiences for billion-dollar companies and small startups alike. In addition to generating concepts, I performed all CAD modeling and initiated partnerships with both domestic and foreign manufacturers. I was granted four patents (two utility and two design).
Lead Industrial Designer
Apr 2010 - Aug 2013 (3 years 4 months)
I led a team of four designers to create thoughtful phone and tablet accessories. I worked in close collaboration with mechanical engineers and made multiple trips to Asia and Europe to facilitate production. I was granted four patents, and the products I designed have generated millions in revenue and are sold in 77 countries.
Co-founder and Lead Designer
Jun 2010 - Jun 2013 (3 years)
I invented a radically simple baby carrier for new moms and their babies. As co-founder, responsibilities covered everything from market research to final design, including branding, marketing, manufacturing, managing a successful Indiegogo campaign, and securing two patents.
Freelance Designer
May 2009 - Apr 2010 (11 months)
Partnered with a chemical engineer to develop a low-cost water purifier for third world countries. Head of branding and art direction for FanGo mobile app.
Ministry Intern
Georgia Tech Christian Campus Fellowship
Aug 2008 - May 2009 (9 months)
Spent one school year working in Christian ministry with college sophomores. Led outreach groups, mission trips, and helped build Christian community at Georgia Tech.
Industrial Design Intern
Slingshot Product Development Group
May 2007 - Aug 2007 (3 months)
I developed new and exciting products for clients such as Schick, Georgia-Pacific, BioLab, and others.