CGriff Design
Oct 2012 - Present (12 years 5 months)
Offering astute product and graphic consultation and design. The relationship with the client is just as important as the product. I work directly with the client to narrow down and understand completely the direction and intended market for the product. I can offer insight into market trends as well as strategy in going forward with intended designs or product lines. I have the capabilities to offer market research and insight, conceptual development, to functional prototypes. I am currently working on establishing ongoing business relationships in the United States manufacturing industry to increase our capabilities into finalized manufacturing. I work hard to keep all designs and operations as environmentally neutral as possible, this can be challenging and concessions are made for clients, but I feel very passionately that great design requires great commitment and consideration.
Product Designer
Aug 2012 - Present (12 years 7 months)
As a designer with Gametime I have been granted an amazing opportunity to develop new innovative playground equipment. Being a large player in the playground market we have a good grasp on growing needs and trends occurring with children and play. Working with a small key team, we consist of five designers/engineers, has allowed for personal design independency while providing critical and precise feedback. We design and manufacture almost entirely from our office in fort Payne, Alabama. The close proximity to manufacturing means that I have become keenly aware of large scale manufacturing processes such as metal fabrication, bending, punching, welding, and rotomolding ( we have the second largest roto-mold oven in the world!)
The best aspect of this job is knowing that you have created an artifact that has enhanced a child's day. Hearing about fifteen kids talk over each other in a fervid excitement to explain how "freakin awesome" something you designed is, well that is pretty darn rewarding.
Moe's Southwest Grill Opelika
Apr 2006 - Jul 2012 (6 years 3 months)
Manager 2009-2011
Presided over all store operations, hiring, firing, maintaining strict corporate standards, all aspects of day to day operation: quality control, safety training and guideline adherence, calculated financial analysis, and collaborated training.
Responsible for scheduling, order management, supply demand, and time management.
Collaborated with corporate developers on new operational
procedures and food development.
Assistant Manager 2008-2009
Shift Manager 2007-2008
Team Member 2006-2007
Student Collaborator
Emerson Tool Company
2011 - 2011