Now a Co-Founder of Headspace Design Lab, Inc. Previously a Senior Mechanical Engineer for Giro, Bell and Bolle helmet brands. 23+ years experience. As a mechanical engineer my duties have included feasibility and risk assessment, development of new technologies, quote packages, tooling CAD assemblies and release of tech packages. I've spent thousands of hours in test labs; testing and verification of models through a rigorous testing regime targeting regional testing standards, pitched a tent in many Asian based factories to work with vendor development teams; perhaps 3-5 trips per year over the years. I'm well versed in 3D printing techniques, prototype builds, and portrayal of engineering data to the laymen’s eye, encouraging and promoting meaningful understanding and insights from other team members and or clients or collaborating development teams. Industrial Designers typically find me easy to work with.
11 patents won over the years. Please see my linked in page for patent descriptions