Danny Glix Graphic Design
Jan 2004 - Present (21 years 2 months)
Specializing in Logo branding and identity creation, Print graphic design, Web development, Organic SEO /SERP (URI, pagination, rewriting, .htaccess, robots.txt, H1-H6 tags, metadata, webmaster API, W3C Validation), Ux, UxD, User Interface, DOM Scripting, Front-end Development /code, Multimedia. Demonstrated expertise in d/x/s/HTML, CSS, JQuery, Javascript, SSI, XML, ASP, PHP, CMS theming, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Image Ready, Golive, Indesign, Publisher, PowerPoint, MS Suite, Lightwave, Maya, Poser, Bryce, Swift 3d, Swish.
Senior Creative Director
IDT Corporation
Aug 1999 - Dec 2003 (4 years 4 months)
· Built websites for IDT Ventures including Talk America, IDT Wireless, WinStar
· Designed calling cards, Pager packaging, and sell sheets
· Worked on all corporate marketing, advertising projects and launches
· Spent time on other company divisions improving existing corporate image
· Created flash animations for CD giveaways and investor meetings
Senior Art Director
May 1998 - Aug 1999 (1 year 3 months)
· Lead complex front and back end projects averaging the $100,000 project mark
· Worked on projects like the Revlon, Burger King, Maxell
· Coded and Designed company’s own intranet