Experienced designer, publications professional and teacher. Taking full advantage of the opportunity to revitalize my career skills and practice design thinking as a Stanford Knight Affiliate. Recent accomplishments include: redesigning and publishing an online magazine for our cooperative preschool for three years; editing publications for our birth center; founding a neighborhood parents club; establishing a community candy-free trick-or-treating event for young children; founding a neighborhood organization to study and improve our local playground; teaching liberal-minded preschool religious education classes at our Unitarian Church; leading a Daisy troop at our local public school; participating in a homeschool cooperative; creating puppet plays for young children and homeschooling my six-year-old.
Hollin Hills Community Service Award for my work with Friends of Voigt Park
Paul T. Sargent Award for Painting, Eastern Illinois University
Art Department Chairman's Award, Eastern Illinois University
Runner up to Outstanding Senior of 1994, Eastern Illinois University