freak pelican apps
Jan 2010 - Present (14 years 11 months)
Freak Pelican Wreck Chords
Mar 2009 - Present (15 years 9 months)
Creative direction in all senses. The music our label works with is a curated collection of music i love. The concept is that there is a lot of talented artist and business savvy individuals that love to work with musicians and a whole grip of musicians that would love to have a talented team behind them taking care of the stuff that isnt "the music".
Aug 2004 - Feb 2005 (6 months)
Worked at the Las Colinas Research & Development dept. writing flash code and creating UIX for future releases of hardware and software.
flash devigner
mindverge media
May 2002 - Aug 2004 (2 years 3 months)