Son of a visual atrist, i've been involved in the desing world since i was born, I participate in my fist art expo at the age of 4, since then I've been in more than 20 art exhibitions, I made the museography fot over 10 art exhibitions, I won the state price for physics when i was 12 for creating a robotic hand prothesis out of recycled materials, I also won the DAE robotics prize at ITESM , the ITESM ARQawards design award, won an honorable mention in the Biennale Internazionale per l' Incisione " Acqui Prize" in Italy, won the jewelry prize "joyas para las divas" of the jewelry chamber of jalisco, I make metal sculptures, paintings, random inventions, whatever that cames to my mind and some funny robots to.
I just enjoy designing and makeing things which could inprove someone's life.
I won the state price for physics when i was 12 for creating a robotic hand prothesis out of recycled materials, I also won the DAE robotics prize at ITESM , the ITESM ARQawards design award, won an honorable mention in the Biennale Internazionale per l' Incisione " Acqui Prize" in Italy, won the jewelry prize "joyas para las divas" of the jewelry chamber of jalisco.