iPOD SHUFFLE CHARGER CONCEPT 1 This concept was inspired by the beautiful package that Apple products come in. I thought it would be a good idea to reuse the package as a charging element to reduce the package waste. The bottom of the package has an indentation where the cords can recoil when not being charged, The user may dispose the clear top part but must keep the bottom part to charge the product. I like the simplicity of the idea.
iPOD SHUFFLE CHARGER CONCEPT 2 The concept is a mouse pad that also acts as a charger for my shuffle so there is no separate charger taking space on my desk. This idea helps to reduce the amount of cables and cords on work surface.
I see this mouse pad to be customizable in materials and patterns. The iPod shuffle clips to the side of the pad.
iPOD SHUFFLE CHARGER CONCEPT 3 I am an avid runner and this would be a perfect charger for runners. I imagine this charger to be an arm band and charges the player using solar energy.
The material of the band is a moisture wicking material that keeps moisture away from the shuffle. I like the idea of the product although it can only be used during the day time.
Shuffle holder

The project was to redesign a mp3 player charger of your choice. I chose the iPod shuffle since that was my mp3 player at the time. There are few areas I wanted to
improve on my design and one of them was wire management. The existing charger is compact, however, the white plastic part is light so often times, it
didn’t stand up straight.

Emi Yasaka
Environmental + Industrial Designer San Francisco, CA