Product Design Manager
Insignia Systems
Minneapolis, MN
Feb 2021 - Present (4 years 1 month)
Senior Industrial Designer
Barrows NA
Minneapolis, MN
Jan 2015 - Feb 2021 (6 years 1 month)
Concept and ideate in-store tactics for mostly General Mills retailer events. Work with strategy to come up executions that are impactful but also affordable. Part of a small team and handle sketching, rendering, and design outlines. Other clients include, Unilever, Samsung, and AB Inbev.
Junior Product Designer
Display Producers
May 2011 - Dec 2014 (3 years 7 months)
Started as an intern for a small creative department and worked my way up to a mid-level designer. Happily learned production and manufacturing in mostly plastics (injection molding and fabrication), but also wood and metal techniques.