Engineering Intern
Walnut, CA
Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
•Supported project and associate engineers with design/installation of control systems for clients in manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries. Reviewed and updated drawings in timely fashion for submittals and turnover packages. Streamlined factory acceptance testing by performing in-house simulation before installation in field.
•Designed and manufactured in-house demonstration motor control panel. Generated programmable logic controller (PLC) code for demo panel; demo panel used as test bed for motor drive programming and training.
Design Engineer
Pomona, CA
Nov 2011 - Aug 2014 (2 years 9 months)
2012: Bodywork Co-Design Captain
•Conceived and built molds for the manufacture of carbon composite body panels on FSAE vehicle.
•7th place overall finish, FSAE Nebraska
2013: Outboards Design Captain, Club Secretary
•Integrated vehicle brakes, hubs, and suspension members through design of steel spindles. Analyzed spindle design through hand calculations and finite element analysis. Implemented design which could be built in-house through manual mill, lathe, and welding processes.
•Publicized club events and achievements through social media which led to increased member attendance and retainment. Maintained sponsor relations through publishing of monthly newsletter.
•6th place overall finish, FSAE Nebraska
2014: Brakes and Ergonomics Design Captain, Design Committee Member
•Conceived new brake rotor design alongside new hub design, which reduced weight of overall outboard assembly. Revamped and implemented adjustable pedal assembly, which expedited adjustment of pedals from hours to minutes.
•Consulted with design lead and club president in design committee to manage personnel and ensure team goals were met.
•14th overall FSAE Michigan, 4th overall FSAE Nebraska, 9th overall Formula Student Germany