The overall brake system was designed similarly to the previous year, with the exception of newly designed hubs. In order to adapt the current subsystem with the new hubs, a six-button rotor was designed for both the front and the rear. The model was drawn in Solidworks 2014.
The Solidworks 2014 finite element analysis package was used in this study. Boundary conditions were applied using data from the aceclerometer, and brake pressure transducers. Parts were analyzed individually, with more parts added sequentially in order to check constraints of the model.
This is a typical part drawing made for our manufacturing sponsor.
The chassis design lead made an ergonomic model in order to check fitment of drivers and for rules compliance. This model was also repurposed to obtain values for pedal force inputs.
The ergonomic model was repurposed to verify driver input forces onto the brake pedal. Here, a scale is fitted onto the end of the model to simulate a brake pedal, and a driver would exert as much force as they could in the seated position. Values were applied into finite element analysis programs.
Here is a typical set-up of the brake-pedal assembly used for finite element analysis. Boundary conditions include bearing constraints were applied to the assembly linkages, and the driver input force over the foot pad area o the pedal.
Typical results from FEA. Results are scrutinized with hand calculations and iterations with decreased mesh size in order to check for solution convergence.
Drawing of the aluminum brake pedal. This drawing was used for reference during CNC machining.
Here is a top view of the pedal assembly. The pedals are adjustable in order to comply with FSAE rules, such as fitting a 95th percentile male safely in the vehicle.
Front view of the pedal assembly.
Top view of the adjustable pedal set-up. The pedals are adjustable to three positions. Brake lines and throttle cable are neatly packaged as to not hinder with driver control.
Here is one of four of the outboard sub-assembly, which includes a custom aluminum spindle, hubs, brake caliper and steel rotor.
Front outboard assembly.
Front outboard assembly.
Rear outboard assembly.
Hard braking during the autocross event in Formula Student Germany 2014. 12th place in the autocross event, and 9th place overall. Photo credit, Botzkowski FSG media team 2014.
FSAE 2014: Brakes and Ergonomics Design Captain

For FSAE 2014 I designed, analyzed, and manufactured brake rotors & buttons, and an adjustable pedal rack. Several changes to the overall design of the car demanded a smaller packaged pedal assembly and a configuration of brake rotor. Both items were achieved with a successful campaign of three competitions in the course of a year.

Eric Savengrith
Engineering Intern Santa Ana, CA