Experiment 18

Experiment 18 is a proposed 3rd person action role playing video game set in the near future: the year 2075. I am developing the game in conjunction with a writer, Blaise Jones.

The leaders of the world discovered humanity’s true purpose: to serve as the weapons in an ancient alien war. Some accepted their destiny. Others refused to believe that this was humanity’s sole purpose. War looms as mankind struggles with the discovery, forcing humanity to look towards the stars for salvation. You and a few others suddenly find yourselves trapped in an alien galaxy, far from home. Now locked in a struggle for survival, your mission becomes getting you and your people home to Earth. As you make your way through the galaxy, you are hounded by an unknown enemy and his vicious assassin, while making discoveries that could change the course of the galaxy.

Experiment 18 received the third place IDSA award at DAAPworks 2015.

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