1. This was a project created in 2016 for CMST 325: Image Editing. It has no specific name other than "Project 1". When viewed, the image will show a side by side comparison of the before and after of the image. As one can see, many changes were made to enhance the after image and improve the overall quality. First, the color levels were modified in the original RAW image so that the brown haze was eliminated. A gradient was added to the top and bottom of the image in order to bring the focus to the center. Finally, various pieces of the photo were edited to “clean up” certain aspects, in particular the pieces of mango rind on the cooler.
2. This was a project created in 2016 for CMST 325: Image Editing. It has no name other than "Project 2". When viewed, the image will show a screenshot of the PhotoShop Document (PSD) of a project I worked on. The subject of the photo is my daughter. Various tasked needed to be performed which included the following: Creating Layers, Isolating Layers, refining edges and/or using refining masks, creating a special Effects Border, using ‘quick mask’ feature to feather the edges of an image, change the background of the image, and create a black and white image from a color image. I did all of these features and separated them by layers so that each could be showcased separately.
3. This was a project created in 2016 for CMST 325: Image Editing. It has no name other than "Project 3". When viewed, the image will show a screenshot of the PhotoShop Document (PSD) of a project I worked on. The subject of the photo is actually me! Various tasked needed to be performed which included the following: Adding skewed text to an image, rotating an image, distorting and image, using the content aware scale feature on the background, using the puppet wrap too on an object, using liquefy filer on an object (featured in the image), creating a 3-D shape and placing in on the image, and using the stylize filer. I did all of these features and separated them by layers so that each could be showcased separately.

A few examples of my photoshop skills.