E.P.Carillo Cigar Box
E.P.Carillo Cigar Box
Cigar Box - Ernesto Perez-Carrillo needed cigar labels and this classy wooden box designed to launch his new family run cigar company.
Casamoda Fondue
DBK Cuttlery
DBK Cuttlery - DBK’s cutlery packaging strikingly displays this four-star chef’s sleek product with complimentary strong bold graphics.
Hershey's Packaging
Let's Eat Dinner Set
Casamoda Fondue - Casamoda fondue boxes made it easy for consumers to select their preferred color choice for the product.
Fry Pan Label - An inexpensive product needed strong colorful imagery that projected function and use quickly and directly to the consumer. The color, movement, and simple shapes communicated this purpose.
DBK Gadgets
The Treats Dessert Toppings Set - The Treats Dessert Toppings Set packaging was designed to make the product look fun and enticing. This is a view of the unassembled die-cut box.
"Create n Celebrate" Cupcake Center - Create n Celebrate needed bright and colorful packaging to promote its cupcake decorating center. This is a view of the unassembled die-cut box.
Pedrini Paper Towel Holder - Pedrini’s packaging with its contrasting black and white sides gives a strong distinct modern presence to the design. This is a view of the unassembled die-cut box.
E.P. Carillo logo - Ernesto Perez-Carrillo requested the design of cigar label and logo for one of his limited edition blends.

The strength of great packaging cannot be underestimated. A successful package connects immediately with consumers’ emotions and life styles. It acts as your salesperson at the point of purchase. Well-designed packaging is multi-functional, giving the product purpose, individuality and dimension. It works harmoniously with the proper use of color, imagery and typography. This shapes the consumer’s perception of the product and subsequently aids in influencing its purchase.

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Elena Vorontsova
Art Director and Graphic Artist New York, NY