UX Technical Lead
New York, NY
Jun 2021 - Present (3 years 8 months)
In charge of maintaining BMI.com website and applications as UX Technical Lead for 2 years. Both frontend and backend development, CMS, CDN, applications, acceptance criteria, documentation and app development. Team supervision, code review, git procedures, Azure systems.
Produced hundreds of websites, custom WordPress themes. Very large display for the Grand Central Terminal Renovation, textile licensing for Lucas Films "Star Wars" Queen Amidala, motion graphics for KPMG/CISCO websites, digital kiosks in the Jacksonville
International Airport
Estée Lauder packaging, Barclay web app and digital materials for
Brunswick and Arista Records
Taught a 24-week coding bootcamp at Georgia Tech, focusing on Full Stack Web Development in MERN. Covered JavaScript, ES6, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React, Git and GitHub, bash Terminal, Unix commands, HTTP, RESTful API, Node, npm, Express, MongoDB and an introduction to Object Oriented & Functional Programming paradigms. Many of these students have gone on to good jobs and are producing real work based on the curriculum of Trilogy Education, which teaches courses in web technology around the country. As a member of the technical team, I made every effort to show practical application of these skills and how they are used in the field.
Sep 2016 - Jul 2019 (2 years 10 months)
As Web Developer and Technical Project Manager for this growing company, I was lead in charge of Magento e-commerce teams, Google Analytics, SEO and AWS server-side applications. During this time, we met the corporate goal of earning $1,000,000 per year. Oversaw development of Progressive Web Application kiosks built in JavaScript Vue.js Node.js Nginx Couchbase and Docker. These Endless Aisles were franchised to upwards of 100 showroom locations. Built Magento plugin in React.js to function as a product grid order tool. This enabled product managers to more easily respond to market changes. My initiatives included User Driven Development: HotJar heat maps to show use, Eyequant predictive analytics User Experience Design: Sketch, Flowmapp, personae and Information Architecture Test Driven Development: frameworks and New Relic stack traces that reduced load times by over 13 seconds, and a $100k per day conversion rate. Compiled knowledge-base for Accessibility, Internationalization, Localization, PWA Studio and Magento 2 migration. Introduced Project Management communications Asana, Jira, Slack. All this moved the dial toward better technical literacy for Visual Comfort Group. UX Developer pierino.cipolloni@gmail.com Pierino Cipolloni UX Developer 917-582-9369 pierino.cipolloni@gmail.com https://github.com/pierinocipolloni