Wedgewood Furniture S. de R.L. de C.V.
Mar 2012 - Present (13 years)
Company dedicates to the design and manufacturing of furniture of bamboo and eco-friendly materials. Im in charge of the design and production.
Popett POP S. de R.L. de C.V.
Jan 2009 - Present (16 years 2 months)
Company focused in the development and innovation of new products and processes of manufacture for the point of sale. I am in charge of the coordination of the design and the implementation of the same to the line of production
F-Design Studio S.A. de C.V.
Aug 2008 - Jan 2009 (5 months)
Company focused on the design and manufacture of point of sale material. I was an associate
consultant for the development of two campaigns launched at national level, Pepsi Christmas
and the Compu-redondeo campaign. My role was the coordination of design and production of
these campaigns as well as the logistics development for delivery of the material at national
Dir. Operation
Manufacturas Mundiales S.A. de C.V
Jan 2007 - Jul 2008 (1 year 6 months)
Company dedicated to marketing and manufacturing of displays and exhibitors. In this
company I was in charge of development of the design department, and along with my team
we created designs for leading brands such as EFFEM, Kellogg´s, Energizer, SKY, Revlon,
Banamex, etc. Under my direction designs, drawings and implementations were created for
the production of the various projects for our clients. Later on the areas of purchasing, project
management, production and warehouse were left under my supervision. Together with my
team of 30 people managed to make projects for the company more profitable, as well as the
production and the waste of material, which led to business alliances with our suppliers which
facilitated the transaction thus reducing delivery times and margin of error.
DosMS S.A. de C.V
Oct 2003 - Dec 2006 (3 years 2 months)
Company dedicated to the design and manufacture of Displays, showcases, P.O.P materials
and furniture for department stores, which gives service to brands such as L´oreal, Vichy,
Kerastase, Purina, Yamaha, Chanel, Marinter, Warner, Unifoods, Santander, Readers, etc. I
was responsible for the design department, and the designs that were done there, having as
main parameters to give our clients cutting-edge designs, with a mix of different materials
and the highest quality. I developed along with my team more than 60 exhibitors, producing
more than half of these and we became creditors to a mention in the quorum design Awards
of 2004.
Sr. Designer
Nov 2002 - Aug 2003 (9 months)
Company dedicated to the production of displays, acrylic exhibitors and special projects,
focusing mainly onto the domestic market with such customers as companies like ADAMS,
Purina, and the national market of confectionery. In this company I developed the area of
design, developing new processes in order to increase the company portfolio with clients such
as Don Julián Cigars, GUM, Centennial (Casio, Copertonne, Vidal, Sugus, Toblerone), Gillette,
Kraft, etc
Sr. Designer
Jan 2000 - Oct 2000 (9 months)
Company dedicated to Industrial and graphic design as well as the production of all related to
advertising. I was in charge of the creative area of the company, which gave way to the new
concepts later presented to the customers, ideas which were underpinned by a market
research to address them properly in order to effectively impact the market, having as main
tools a great visual and documented information of the topic, I attended the main trade
shows in every industry worldwide, and consulted the major publications from around the
world on food, confectionery, point of sale, materials, graphic and industrial design, printing,
software, packaging, as well as the latest trends in design that allowed us to be very effective
thus achieving results. I had a team of four designers who worked under my supervision,
developing trends in design for each of the projects, this way imprinting them with the
trademark of the firm.
Sr. Designer
Artefacto Diseño
Sep 1994 - Jun 1999 (4 years 9 months)
Firm specialized in the area of marketing, graphic and industrial design, focused on cattering
international markets and specialty packaging.
I was in charge of the graphic and industrial design area where along with my team we
designed more than 100 packages for international markets with regulations for more than
twenty countries, companies such as