Positive Energy Lifestyle - This is my file of concepts and designs for an advanced technology integrated system-of-systems alternative energy powered functional efficient conserving comfortable and convenient living spaces. The other files are electrical vehicle concepts for primary transport and ERV's (Electric Recreational Vehicles)....which are a critical component of a Positive Energy Lifestyle.
Positive Energy Lifestyle - This is my file of concepts and designs for an advanced technology integrated system-of-systems alternative energy powered functional efficient conserving comfortable and convenient living spaces. The other files are electrical vehicle concepts for primary transport and ERV's (Electric Recreational Vehicles)....which are a critical component of a Positive Energy Lifestyle.
Positive Energy Lifestyle - This is my file of concepts and designs for an advanced technology integrated system-of-systems alternative energy powered functional efficient conserving comfortable and convenient living spaces. The other files are electrical vehicle concepts for primary transport and ERV's (Electric Recreational Vehicles)....which are a critical component of a Positive Energy Lifestyle.
Positive Energy Lifestyle - This is my file of concepts and designs for an advanced technology integrated system-of-systems alternative energy powered functional efficient conserving comfortable and convenient living spaces. The other files are electrical vehicle concepts for primary transport and ERV's (Electric Recreational Vehicles)....which are a critical component of a Positive Energy Lifestyle.
Positive Energy Lifestyle - This is my file of concepts and designs for an advanced technology integrated system-of-systems alternative energy powered functional efficient conserving comfortable and convenient living spaces. The other files are electrical vehicle concepts for primary transport and ERV's (Electric Recreational Vehicles)....which are a critical component of a Positive Energy Lifestyle.
Positive Energy Lifestyle

Eyermann Design Studio was initiated to design and manufacture an advanced alternative construction system to enable General Contractors to build Ultra Energy Efficient homes. This AICF system is based on US Oak Ridge National Lab research.

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Donald Eyermann
Entrepreneur & Environmental Activist Phoenix, AZ