Production Technician
Oct 2018 - Present (6 years 5 months)
Production Technician at GO PUCK. On a daily basis I work in Fusion 360 developing products for our company. Operate a Mimaki wide format printer for unique customer print orders. Work directly with CEO on product design concepts. Work out in our warehouse coordinating inventory and the shipping process for the customers. Rebuild warranty items using high end battery testing equipment.
Quality Assurance Associate
Hurricane Medical
Bradenton, FL
Aug 2011 - Jan 2014 (2 years 5 months)
At Hurricane Medical I worked with a great team member in the field of quality assurance. We manufactured high quality medical tools for the Ophthalmic industry. I would work with my QA rep. on a daily basis measuring, sampling and testing all of our products. We worked with all ISO and FDA standards. This job was great in the sense that it was a small company that took tremendous pride in producing high quality medical devices. I learned not only how important QA is in manufacturing but also manufacturing, distribution and shipping.