Creative Director
Skyline Exhibits of Los Angeles Inc
Los Angeles, CA
Jan 2000 - Present (25 years)
I have worked as the creative director in the Los Angeles
office for over 14 years. My responsibilities include managing a small creative staff along with overseeing and creating all 3D and 2D projects. I lead many of the discovery meetings in addition to presenting the final work. I am the creative point person for 13 exhibit consultants who rely on my creative skills to win business. Doing this requires managing many different personality types and a constant flow of communication between multiple projects daily.
Senior Designer
Ewing & Beland
Monrovia, CA
Dec 1998 - Jan 2000 (1 year 1 month)
Designing print based projects for companies such as Southern California Edison. I worked closely with the partners in addition to working directly with many clients.
Junior Designer
Skyline Exhibits
Los Angeles, CA
Apr 1994 - Dec 1998 (4 years 8 months)
Junior designer responsible for the design and production of exhibits and other graphic materials. I also participated in many client discovery meetings and presentations.