One slide presentation showing illustrations of the 4 different experiments that will form the educational kit addressing all learning styles.
Experiment design report detailing the experiments' procedures, materials needed and questions for the students to answer. Report also features the experiments' budgets and explains how the 4 learning styles were addressed in each.
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Fantastic Plastic Food Kit

The Fantastic Plastic Food Kit was an extremely fun and educational team project I had the opportunity to work on during the 2014 Fall semester as part of my Polymers Engineering class taught by Prof. Lisa Pruitt at U.C. Berkeley.
In this project, we were requested to design an educational kit that could be used in a k-12 classroom to teach students 2 elements of polymer structure and 2 elements of mechanical behavior of polymers all while addressing the 4 learning styles:
- perception: active vs reflective
- understanding: sequential vs global
- input: visual vs verbal
- processing: sensing vs intuitive
The kit should include a series of experiments with their required materials and procedures.

The team choose to tackle the concepts of viscoelasticity, molecular weight, temperature dependant behavior and thermoplastic vs thermoset behavior.
My part of the project was to design the experiment for the temperature dependent behavior of polymers.

Dayana Hijaz
ME Product Design Graduate at UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA