NOTE: My work for Plastiq & Disney are NOT available for view in this portfolio. This work is proprietary and must be shown in a private setting.
Design is who I am, and always have been. I'm very passionate about creatively solving problems holistically, no matter the form it takes, in any part of my life. Design thinking has no bounds. It's a major part of my work, my hobbies, and my passions equally.
I am an Industrial/Product Designer by schooling (B.S. Industrial Design) turned UI/UX & Visual designer by further exploration of my craft and training. The practical/tangible design sense that I have developed from my product design schooling and practice has translated into a user focused mindset in the digital realm I now specialize in.
This has enabled me to always create with a purpose. I believe in following goals, metrics, and always thinking about ROI and personas; all without losing sight of innovation and conceptual thinking. This is true design, where form follows function, and in today's responsive, experience-focused day and age, where understanding a buyer, user, or visitor persona is key; this has proven invaluable.
• FIRST Robotics 2nd place @ SCCC Regional 2004
• NEDC 3rd Place @ Molloy College Regional