Freelance Sr. Designer
Various Clients
Paul, MN
Mar 2018 - Present (6 years 9 months)
Graphic, packaging, website and interior/branding designer.
Sr. Design Director
Baker Associates, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Oct 1998 - Mar 2018 (19 years 5 months)
From Graphic Designer to Sr. Art Director in packaging, retail and environmental branding designer.
Graphics Production Manager
Contempo Designs
Milpitas, CA
Sep 1997 - Sep 1998 (1 year)
Manage the graphics for large design booths. Clients included large Silicon Valley companies like Adaptec, 3Com, etc.
Advertising Director
CircuiTree Magazine
Los Gatos, CA
Jan 1996 - Apr 1997 (1 year 3 months)
Manage the magazine ad designs.
Computer Lab Technician
Academy of Art College
San Francisco, CA
Oct 1994 - Aug 1995 (10 months)
Oversee 80+ Apple Mac lab stations, 40+ Alias stations, maintain security and software. Assist with student work.
Game Design Intern
Western Publishing Inc.
Racine, United States
Jun 1992 - Aug 1992 (2 months)
Game design Intern, artwork and participated in research.
General Motors Design Intern
Pontiac Interiors
Detroit, MI
Jun 1991 - Aug 1991 (2 months)
Clay sculpture for full size and quarter scale 1995 Pontiac car models.