Printed and framed mockup. The colors represent the duration of the bike rides. From shortest to longest is from green to blue to purple to red. The longest bike ride is 32 hours.
I made a version for Memorial Day in 2013. The colors represent the duration of the bike rides. From shortest to longest is from green to blue to purple to red. The longest bike ride is about 32 hours.
The colors represent the duration of the bike rides. From shortest to longest is from green to blue to purple to red. The longest bike ride is 32 hours.
This version shows CitiBike members or subscribers versus nonmembers who rode on July 1, 2013. The majority of bikeriders were Citibike subscribers on that day.
This version shows which genders of bikeriders: male (cyan), female (magenta), or unspecified (gray) on July 1, 2013.
Data Visualization: NYC Bike Rides

OBJECTIVE: Take a set of data with a change in value of one variable
can be with respect to time, space or any condition. Come up with a way
to map out a given set of data by using a fundamental graphic coding
technique, to handle and visualize these data sets.
This is a data visualization showing approximately 22,000 CitiBike rides on July 1, 2013. There is a GPS installed in the bikes that puts the data on a spreadsheet. I collected the data and used Processing to have it draw lines for every departure to the destination.

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Freelance, Full-time
Courtney Averett
Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Multimedia Sayreville, NJ