Salem, MA
2008 - Present (17 years)
Milking all the contacts I made at PEM, I provide consulting, project management and design services to a variety of mostly non-profit clients. Main accomplishment is maintaining a small but loyal client base in a difficult economy. This is basically what I do while I look for my next great job.
Design Consultant
Rockport, MA
2010 - May 2016 (6 years 2 months)
Design Consultant
Working with former employees of PEM, including my old boss, completed two large projects, for tourism and travel at the government level: branding for the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway, and branding for the Western Massachusetts Byway project. Learned a lot about working with large groups and government bureaucracy.
Senior Designer
Salem, MA
2003 - 2008 (5 years)
Favorite job ever. Came in as a freelancer, was hired on full time. Did just about everything related to print for a non-profit organization; implementation of brand, magazines, ads, signage, banners, invitations, brochures, special projects. I also supervised our department’ interns. My job became a victim of the recession and the HR department.
Illustration Consultant
Big Pixel Productions
Malden, MA
2002 - 2003 (1 year)
Drew over 236 digital illustrations for an interactive educational website for Harcourt-Brace Javovich Publishing. It was an 8 month-long project with strict guidelines for content, multiple revisions and tight deadlines. It was fun. Especially the content guidelines. For example, you couldn’t show people flying without an aircraft.
Production Artist
Medford, MA
2000 - 2002 (2 years)
Hired by a former Fidelity colleague, I designed and produced sales and promo pieces for various publishing clients. Also helped develop and refine magazine in-house production workflow. This experimental publishing division, gradually closed up shop after 9/11.
Senior Graphic Designer
Boston, MA
1993 - 1999 (6 years)
Hired initially as a contract worker, eventually brought on as a full-time salaried employee. Very stressful job, but learned a ton. Fully-immersed in all things corporate: print projects and advertising campaigns. Estimated design-development costs and met established budgets. Managed multiple design projects and executed on murderous schedules. Met directly with clients to develop an understanding of objectives and strategy and present concepts, worked closely with creative and account teams to develop creative, ensure brand quality and to guide project development, blah, blah, blah. Came to dislike the über-corporate environment.
Assistant Art Director
DAKA International
Danvers, MA
1992 - 1993 (1 year)
This company does not exist anymore. It owned and operated Fuddruckers restaurants and institutional catering for Fortune 500 companies. I brainstormed new marketing ideas for Fuddruckers. I worked closely with the creative director on concept development (mostly in the form of detailed marker comps), design and production of advertisements, posters, flyers, and point-of-purchase displays. I also created marketing and support materials for the institutional catering service.
Graphic Designer /Production Artist
Boston, MA
1990 - 1992 (2 years)
This was a regular, part-time job. I mostly supported the production manager and art director designing ads and special advertising sections that came in too late for the regular production schedule. Not terribly glamorous, but I really enjoyed the working environment. Assisted with final production and pre-press for the magazine, which was great as I learned a ton of practical production stuff.
Graphic Designer
North Shore Weeklies
Ipswich, MA
1985 - 1989 (4 years)
My first job after college. Started in the back shop doing paste-up, shooting stats, developing film, specifying type and other jobs that don’t exist anymore. Promoted into the Art Department working directly with the Art Director, as well as closely with the Editorial and Advertising Department. Designed and produced ads, special advertising sections and 2 original editorial illustrations every week. Learned a lot about print production and printing. Left to pursue bigger and better things.