Colin Côté M.Sc.A., BDI, ADIQ., SECF Colin Côté was born in Montréal in 1979. He holds a master’s degree in Design and Complexity from the Faculté de l’aménagement of the Université de Montréal and is now working in the field of Industrial Design at Steelcase inc.
Colin has worked as a research assistant with CIRAIG and the Laboratoire Ecodesign of the Université de Montréal. He was part of a project led by the Potidesign group, in Brazil, to introduce eco-design to small businesses in the province of Rio Grande do Norte. He also wrote publications on simplified life cycle assessment tools.
In 2004, he worked as an eco-designer and adviser on various eco-design projects at an agency in the Rhône-Alpes region of France, as well as wrote an eco-creation guide for the Centre de création consciente. In September 2006, he taught at the École de design industriel of the Université de Montréal, where he supervised and trained third-year students in the field of eco-design.
He started his professional career in 2005 by joining the Design Studio of Claude Mauffette and in 2008 he join the Design Studio of Michel Dallaire. During this period he was involved in the design of one of the most renown Public Bike Sharing System that is installed in: New York, Chicago , London and 30 others cities around the world.
Colin join the design studio of Steelcase. He the opportunity to lead different projects: Ology bench NA, Mackinac Adjustable Height Work Surface, Active touch controller for Ology (Linak), High density storage and exploration on smart and connected object.
Since 2018, he became a Professor at the School o f design at University Laval.