Multimedia Graphic Designer/Photographer/Videographer
Maple Grove, MN
Sep 2011 - Present (13 years 6 months)
Work directly with area city officials to design annual publications for multiple cities around the Twin CIties as well as several annual specialty publications. I am in charge of laying out the entire publications from cover to cover, often using my own photography throughout.
I am the staff photographer for onsite and in house photography, including but not limited to studio head shots, environmental head shots, product shots, lifestyle, food and real estate.
I also am the company videographer creating promotional videos for clients. I help develop the concept, scripts and storyboard the shots. I direct the video shot and capture the shots with professional video and audio equipment. After all the assets are captured I use Adobe Premiere Pro to cut and edit the shots to a final professional finished video.
I meet with clients to create marketing materials to promote and grow their business including logo design, stationary packages, post cards, flyers, billboards, vehicle graphics, promo pieces, brochures, responsive websites and any other designs needed. Balance multiple projects at once, always meeting the deadlines if not sooner.
Graphic Designer
Forest, VA
2006 - 2008 (2 years)
In charge of layout design for local monthly magazines: Lynchburg Living, Centra Health and Virginia Fire & Rescue. Design 100+ page books. Created posters for local colleges. Created proposal documents for companies. Designed local advertisement and marketing material for multiple businesses. Staff photographer. Update the Lynchburg Living website.