A Display, for IDSA!

The IDSA Conference. What an experience!

Last year, the Department Head of ID here at NC State, came to our Studio and asked for a four person group to design, prototype, and construct a display to showcase our school at the Southern District IDSA Conference which was coming to Raleigh, NC in 2013! The display needed to be quickly assemble-able as well as deconstruct-able, all the while representing our school to the South.

So, I went full throttle on this project, as it is exhibit design and that is what piques an interest in me!

After much discussion and group decision making, we graduated from the ideation phase to a small model building phase and then onto the construction phase.

We explored the local lumber yard to find our materials, and the end result provided a space for a computer monitor to display students' work, as well as ample 'pin-up' space for printed work and students' models.

The 'NC State University' bar was backlit acrylic and glowed NC State red!

Christopher Lawing
Product Designer Charlotte, NC