Structural Design: Black Cow Vodka 'Milk Carton Style' Packaging & Re-Purposed Corrugate Gift Pack
Concept Sketch - Outlander Packaging with Gift With Purchase Ideas
Exploded View Diagram of Packaging for a Pharmaceutical Device.
Structural Design: Corrugate Packaging for Creed Limited Edition Gift Set
Assembly Guide for Warner - Hitman 2 Game Gift Set
Concept Visuals: Perfume Quarter Pallet Unit, 'Trough' FSDU and Shelved FSDU for Crisps
Structural Design & Prototyping: Shelved Quarter Pallet Unit for food products, Functioning Post Box & BBQ FSDU to hold Oxo Seasoning Pots
Cradle to Grave: Lindt Product Plan, Structural Design, Prototyping & Artwork (Shown)
Creative Design: Jumanji Concept POS Sketch
Structural Design: Colour mockups of Home Entertainment Standees
Structural Design & Prototyping: White samples of a Curved Lindt Dump-bin, Shelved Nandos Quarter Pallet Unit & a Shelved FSDU for crisps
Cradle to Grave: Smurfs Biscuits Product Plan, Concept Visuals, Structural Design, Prototyping & Artwork (Shown)
Structural Design & Assembly Guide (shown) for Betty Crocker Pallet Unit POS
Structural Design & Prototyping: SRP/CDU for Be for Beauty - Base Lip Care Pouches
Structural Design & Prototyping: Game of Thrones FSDU, Lindt Spinner Standee, Warner 360º FSDU
Packaging & POS

Creative and structural design work: Sketches, Visuals, Samples, Artwork & Assembly Guides

Christina Capellaro
Ms Christina Capellaro BSC (Hons) Esher, United Kingdom