Bellevue Schools Foundation

The Situation: With a new leader and a set of expansive goals shaping the future of foundation the time was right to create a new site. The Bellevue Schools Foundation’s new director saw frustrations within their community over the design and functionality of their website. She knew the website needed an upgrade if it was going to deliver the kind of performance she expected to meet her expansive goals, she turned to our team to help improve the sites organizational strategy and overall user experience.

The Solution: We organized the new site like a newspaper, a form that encourages readership by placing articles in a familiar, approachable structure. We also created obvious calls to action and a clear hierarchy was given to the page content. But, the most significant change is that kids and what BSF is doing for them is front and center. The photos, graphics and typography all support the mission: kids and learning. A solid content plan was developed to ensure that as the site

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Chris McInerney
Designer and Creative Leader Seattle, WA