Chris Fraser
Jan 2006 - Present (19 years 2 months)
My specialisms are design for web, animation for web and video, illustration, concept visualisation, graphic communication and idea generation.
Digital designer, animator and illustrator
Helsinki, Finland
Feb 2010 - Aug 2014 (4 years 6 months)
I worked in a digital production unit in the ad agency SEK. I produced web banners, outdoor video screens, showreels, shop display videos, video presentations. My areas were design, illustration, animation and motion graphics.
Global Junior Online Designer
Fox International Channels and Natonal Geographic Channels International
Dec 2008 - Aug 2009 (8 months)
I worked for Fox Networks and National Geographic Channel producing web designs, online marketing, information architecture, research and idea generation.
Junior Online Designer
National Geographic Channel
Mar 2008 - Nov 2008 (8 months)
I worked as a Junior Online Designer for National Geographic Channel producing web designs and flash animation, online marketing, artworking for print, branding and idea generation.
Illustrator, animator, designer
Spiral Productions
2006 - 2008 (2 years)
I have been working for Spiral Productions on a freelance basis since February 2006. My work with them has been varied in style, content and media. I have produced animations and motion graphics for museum displays and interactives; concept design for pitches; screen designs; game character and set designs, and digital and hand drawn illustrations for interactives.
Often I have worked with a project from start to finish either in a team or on my own. A recent project called 'Eddie Says' (due to be installed in Edinburgh Zoo in January 2008) is an animation for children that I worked on from the design stage to final animation stage. See example here: www.chrisfraseronline.org/eddie.htm
Freelance animator, illustrator, designer
VML (formerly Goodtechnology)
2006 - 2007 (1 year)
I worked with goodtechnology on and off for a year, at most working for a straight run of about 2-3 months. My jobs were designing and illustrating concept designs and scamps, designing reports and graphics, artworking websites, and animating flash banners.
Freelance flash designer
Jan 2006 - Jan 2006
This was my first job when I came to London working on an online marketing campaign. I also helped out with in-house visuals.