Diseñadora Gráfica, Ilustradora, amante y practicante de Brazilian Jiu Jitsu . Durante los últimos años he trabajado diseñando sitios web y aplicaciones móviles.
Amo lo que hago y eso, me hace feliz.
Graphic Designer, illustrator, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lover and trainee. For the las few years I've been designing websites and mobile apps. I love what I do and that makes me happy.
To take a journey as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator is to keep captivating about the little details, the simplicity and the beauty in every single thing that surround us. For me, being involved in this media makes me feel just in the right and well balanced place, because, I can be part of everything helping through my knowledge and experience not only to other skilled professionals but also to people who can actually use, live and feel our designs.
I can learn about a lot of knowledge areas, I can help different audiences from the most sober and serious client, to the most alternative and risky one, and also, I can enjoy all the fun and love that design can transmit.
Graphic Design and Illustration for me, are the perfect couple to offer not only functionality but also beautiful and delightful results for every client and person. This is what I believe, this is what I love and what I do.