Industrial Design Consultant
New York, NY
Mar 2015 - Present (9 years 11 months)
As a product design and business strategy consultant with 25k Startups, I help teams of entrepreneurs, designers, and investors to identify new market opportunities, improve products, and build new ventures.
I recently helped to create a highly innovative food packing design called Spoonfuls. I was responsible for prototyping the concept, and also did all of the all sketching, ideation, 3D modeling, rendering, and presentation design. In addition to my heavy involvement in the Spoonfuls project, I provide insights about concept testing, market research, prototyping, and business strategy on a number of other upcoming ventures from 25k.
Industrial Design Prototyper and Educator
Milwaukee, WI
Sep 2013 - Present (11 years 5 months)
I help create industrial design courses for students of all ages as well as corporate professionals from across the nation. My focus is on demystifying the process of design thinking, and inspiring creativity.
I give students a foundation for effective design practice across disciplines. I teach students to engage with their world intelligently, critically, and creatively.
In addition to teaching, I help to run a rapid fabrication lab and create new products for Discovery World every week. The products usually focus on an educational theme, and are designed for for kids ages 5 to 14.
Modelmaking and Fabrication Intern
the Smithsonian Office of Exhibit Central
Worked with designers, fabricators, and conservators to help build large scale exhibits for a central Smithsonian Institution, as well as the Museum of Natural History.
iPad App Development // Animation Intern
Neurofibromatosis Lab
at Washington University in St. Louis Medical School Responsible for creating an interactive iPad application that would assist researchers in communicating complex informatiion with patients
Industrial Design Intern
Fred Sparks Design
Responsible for researching consumer trends, ergonomics, and market competition for new product designs, and then for creating drawings and CAD models for presentation to a variety of clients
Freelance Illustration
Design, and Multimedia Illustration, layout, and design for print and web media in addition to video and sound production and editing by commission