I'm a seasoned designer of experiential environments with an international perspective and a broad background that includes design strategy, branding, production and project and team management, within budgets of all sizes.
I am a well rounded Big Idea' visionary sensitive to the importance of the smallest of details, adept at balancing all project elements harmoniiously and methodically to ensure a successful outcome.
I'm always interested in challenging opportunities to collaborate with other designers and professionals and evolve as a creative. I can produce turn-key projects or specific services as needed.
• Strategic development
• Pragmatic problem solving to quickly arrive at cost efficient design solutions
• Ability to quickly gather consensus to expedite project schedule
• Expert spatial designing and space planning
• Sales presentations
• Graphic composition
• On demand rapid visualization of concepts via free hand sketches and marker renderings
• Production engineering and project management
•...but, a designer first...
IESNA Design Award Arndale Centre Light Show
Manchester, England.
IDSA, Graphic Arts Guild