Senior Graphic Designer
Frictionless World
Responsible for designing and producing marketing and advertising materials, presentations, web sites, trade shows, operation manuals and sales literature. Designed labeling, product decals and packaging. Innovative product marketing communications D * esigned and maintained three web sites incorporating constantly growing product lines. Designed dynamic trade show graphics and presentations promoting brand recognition and consistency R * esearched, authored, designed and produced sales literature, brochures, product catalogs, and competitive sales comparisons E * ffectively integrated email marketing, web design, direct mail, public relations, advertising and web content to present a consistent brand image and message
Senior Graphic Designer
Valley Bank & Trust
Brighton, United States
Designed and produced persuasive marketing communications and advertising campaigns for 14 banks. Strategically positioned, designed and developed newspaper and magazine ads, brochures, posters, billboards, Dynamic banner design radio scripts, press releases and POS materials. Maintained web sites, managed direct mail campaigns and events. D * esigned marketing campaigns to promote branding, inform, acquire and retain customers E * xpanded customer base and market share resulting in new locations and asset growth C * reated effective print, outdoor media, radio scripts, press releases and POS materials
Design Consultant
Bruce Clark Design
Arvada, United States
Providing marketing and advertising design services on a contractual basis for several local manufacturers. Researching competitive literature, developing branding and designing marketing communications including catalogs, brochures, direct mail, web graphics and product literature. D * esigning marketing and informational literature, advertising and training materials for several technical products D * esigning trade show graphics for national and international expos Email marketing design P * erforming pre-press production, soliciting bids from vendors, reviewing and copy writing color proofs and managing printing
Senior Graphic Designer
Meritech/Resurgent Health & Medical
Golden, United States
Responsible for conceptualizing, designing and producing marketing and advertising materials. Designed presentations, direct mail, email, magazine advertising and marketing literature. Authored and illustrated industry papers, press releases, editorials, web and social media. Designed templates for labeling and packaging. D * esigned company literature, web content and trade show graphics promoting brand consistency C * onsolidated marketing literature to realize cost savings and create cohesive, effective sales tools I * ntegrated email marketing, direct mail, public relations, advertising and web content Creative page layout and document formatting