Lead Designer
United States
Dec 2022 - Present (2 years 3 months)
Long-term freelance high-end apparel repeat prints.
Current Classroom Teacher, Past Gifted/2E Program Director, Classroom, Art, & Gifted Teacher
Aug 2012 - Present (12 years 7 months)
▪ Current Level II Classroom Teacher -11 years
o Articulate and implement scope and sequences of year-long curricula based on desired outcomes articulated in IEP’s and/or state standards and benchmarks
o Teach math, science, and literacy (based on Science of Reading/LETRS), visual art, general education and special education/gifted education at a Title I school with a diverse population
o As homeroom teacher, teach reading, writing, spelling, phonics/phonemic awareness, integrated arts, literacy, ELL/TESOL language arts in inclusion classrooms
o Emphasis on developing English language learners, meeting special needs, differentiation, and integrating the arts into the curriculum
o Received Floyd J. Trujillo Award for Excellence in Community Service, 2023
o Endorsed in Art/Art History, TESOL, Elementary (k-8) and Gifted/Spec. Education, CALP certification expected 2023
▪ Past Program Director, Gifted/2E Education-one year
o Devised program structure and curricula for gifted students
o Qualified students for gifted education using alternative entry assessment tools
o Gifted designation went from 18 students upon entry to 50+ students upon exiting (many more minority, low language and socio-economically challenged students qualified due to use of alternative identification assessment)
o Researched, wrote, implemented, and evaluated approx. 50 student IEP’s per year, delivered instruction based on academic needs and SEL
o Developed strategic relationships with art and education stakeholders to deliver instruction and supply exhibition space
o Developed partnerships with municipal arts and community organizations to deliver experiences that went beyond traditional gifted educational pedagogy
Otis College of Design
Los Angeles, CA
Current-4 years (spring 2018, summer 2021) * Assess/identify student learning objectives and develop curricula to meet these requirements within an engaging, rigorous, content-rich learning environment * Teach classes in design conceptualization, design theory, graphic art/design, color development, drawing, painting, printmaking, color mixing, CAD/ new media techniques, dyeing techniques, & business aspects of textile/ surface design as part of the surface design certification program * Devise syllabi and lesson plans that reach an exceptional, diverse extension student population to achieve academic and "real-world" learning success through expertise in surface design, graphic art/design, painting, drawing, creative problem solving, and CAD * Class content based on student needs, student pace, and varied subject matter interests * Advise students on career path trajectory, resources, and networking due to well-developed relationships within the fine art, design, and entertainment industries Elementary and Intermediate Teacher, Art, Literacy, Language Arts, Social Studies, Math
May Center for Learning
Santa Fe, NM
and May Center at the Albuquerque Academy 10 mos. (to present) * Teach elementary and middle-school students (Hispanic, White, Asian-American, and American Indian/NM Tribal) in remote and in-person environments (including the Summer LEAP literacy program at the Academy * Devise lesson plans and instructional scope/sequence for art, language arts, social studies, and math with an eye toward reaching a diverse student population diagnosed with learning difference (s), SLD, autism, ADD/ADHD, or other differences * Use multi-sensory language acquisition (MSL/SEE), CELL techniques, GLAD methodology, and TESOL/ELL pedagogy to deliver literacy instruction * Teach expository and creative writing using the Step Up to Writing curriculum * Attend faculty, departmental, and teacher meetings * Schedule and facilitate once-a-week parent/family meetings * Tutor a diverse clientele in math, literacy, and writing * CALP certification expected January 2022
Sun Studios
FACT, and Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, NM 6 years * Owner, operator, and instructor for Sun Studios LLC, taught to students from age 18 * Subjects taught included 2-D composition, color theory, figure drawing/painting, CAD painting, landscape painting, color theory, acrylic painting, pastel painting, plein-air painting, surface design, textile design, and art history/art appreciation * Awarded "Excellence" studio space and grants from the Santa Fe Incubator for Small Businesses * Created lesson plans, devised curricula, and scheduled instructors for FACT, a non-profit arts organization * Devised art-making curricula and taught art to adults and children under the auspices of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum as a 2-year visiting artist instructor * As an outreach artist for the O'Keeffe Museum, provided instruction to students in Title I and tribal schools in Northern New Mexico
Owner, Surface Designer
Brett Barker Design Studio, Los Angeles, CA 8 years (to present) * Create motifs and repeat designs for apparel, accessories, home décor, product surfaces, and fabrics ranging from RTW runway apparel to tableware, from paper goods to home décor fabrics and rugs * Work collaboratively with clients and subcontractors to develop artistic designs consistent with client company philosophy and overall aesthetic * Create and develop motifs and colorways that appeal to clients' customer base, delivered on or ahead of schedule * Specialize in designs based on artistic and art historical knowledge as well as on the latest industry trends, techniques, and media * Expert in CAD design software and in hand-created artistic techniques (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpting, etc.) * Known for distinctive blend of fine art and digital art in each collection
Adjunct Faculty Member, Textile/Surface Design and Design/Art Foundations / Instructor, Fa...
ArtCenter College of Design
Aug 2014 - Aug 2019 (5 years)
ACX, Pasadena, CA 3.5 years, not consecutive * Taught drawing, painting, printmaking, and other fine art foundations as part of textile/surface/graphic design courses and art business/career courses in a cross disciplinary, content-rich, engaging learning environment * Taught classes in design conceptualization, design theory, graphic art/design, color development, drawing, painting, CAD/ New Media techniques, numerous dyeing techniques (incl. shibori dyeing), & business aspects of textile/ surface design * Devised syllabi and lesson plans that reach an exceptional, diverse extension student population to achieve academic and "real-world" learning success through expertise in textile/surface/CAD design and development, creative problem solving and CAD technology * Acquired access to highly sought-after, exclusive venues throughout Southern California including the design archive at FIDM, Los Angeles "New Designer" fall fashion shows, CA Market Center shows and lectures, and LACMA's historical garment design exhibitions * Advised students on textile/surface design and other art-related career opportunities * Actively involved in various committee and vision groups including ACX Summit Committee and Online Associate Provost Interview Committee Fiber Arts Guilds and Organizations, USA 15 years * Assessed/identified student learning objectives and developed curricula to meet these requirements within an engaging, content-rich learning environment * Devised lesson plans and workshop syllabi for textile and quilting organizations based on student needs, student pace, and varied subject matter interests * Focused on formal art and textile foundational aspects including color, line, space/composition, texture, 2D and 3-D design principles, often using my co-authored book as a template * Advise and provide ongoing supplemental instruction and critique both in-person and by remote/distance lear...
Creative Director
Ramtex, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Apr 2018 - Jun 2019 (1 year 2 months)
1 year, 2 months * Initiated, developed, and implemented an overall creative lifestyle brand vision and direction for the company * Expert in combining fine art materials and techniques with CAD/digital art to create contemporary, forward-thinking designs and collections * Created strategic color palettes and print products with a unique, artistic POV gained from design expertise coupled with trend insight and research * Designed and developed motifs and repeats for seasonal collections, bringing the number of cut velvet designs from zero in approximately 84 SKU's in one year. Worked in both creative and strategic venues by closely collaborating with overseas partners and vendors to develop both prints and body cloths for the company trained, developed and evaluated design office staff as well as guided and trained customer service representatives in aspects of each collection * Designed staff training including how to create repeats, mock-ups and 3-D mock-ups, tech packs, look books, spreadsheets, price lists, design identification tools, collection "romance" writing and other analytical/ strategic resources * Created PR, promotional materials, and advertising materials for the company * Created a digital design office studio from the ground up, including state-of-the-art digital assets * Travelled domestically and internationally to show collections and develop products * Initiated and sustained philanthropic activities, including donation of sample fabrics to the Quilts of Valor Foundation
Turquoise Trail
Santa Fe, NM
Aug 2004 - Jun 2011 (6 years 10 months)
Charter School 9 years * Program Director, Gifted/2E Education-one year o Devised program structure and curricula for gifted students * Qualified students for gifted education using alternative entry assessment tools * Gifted designation went from 18 students upon entry to 50+ students upon exiting (many more minority, low language and socio-economically challenged students qualified due to use of alternative identification assessment) * Researched, wrote, implemented, and evaluated approx. 50 student IEP's per year, delivered instruction based on academic needs and SEL * Developed strategic relationships with art and education stakeholders to deliver instruction and supply exhibition space * Developed partnerships with municipal arts and community organizations to deliver experiences that went beyond traditional gifted educational pedagogy * Classroom, Gifted/2E Teacher-nine years * Articulated and implemented scope and sequences of year-long curricula based on desired outcomes articulated in IEP's and/or state standards and benchmarks * Taught visual art, general education and special education/gifted education at a Title I school with a diverse population * Taught reading, writing, spelling, phonics/phonemic awareness, math, science, social studies, integrated arts, literacy, ELL/TESOL language arts in inclusion classrooms * Emphasis on developing English language learners, meeting special needs, differentiation, and integrating the arts into the curriculum * Mentor teacher to incoming and first year teachers, 2 years * Presenter/Trainer in writer's workshop for teachers at national CELL conferences, 2 years * Wrote and received a grant for digital alternative assessments * Committee membership included Leadership, Technology, Assessment, Implementing GLAD Methodology, After School Arts, Employee Benefits, and Facility * Deemed 'highly qualified" (highest possible ...